Friday, April 22, 2011

AMC12A 2011 Problem #2

I don't think anyone will have trouble doing this problem, but I wrote a solution anyway.

There are 5 coins placed flat on a table according to the figure. What is the order of the coins from top to bottom.
From looking at this picture, you can easily tell that coin C is the coin at the very top because it overlaps coins D, E, and A, and coins A and D are overlapping coin B. Coin D is overlapping coin A and B and overlapped by coin E. That makes coin E the second in the order of top to bottom and coin D the third. Because coin A overlaps coin B, coin A is going to be the 4th and coin B is the 5th. Therefore the order is (C,E,D,A,B).


  1. I always wanted to know how to solve this problem :D +followed

  2. that wasnt very challenging, maybe a harder puzzle next time?

  3. @123mikeyd123 Yeah the AMC problems are easy until around problem 12 or so :P

  4. This was actually pretty easy. But that's ok, it's late so probably I'm not gonna be able to handle a difficult one.

  5. Fun problem, I always enjoy these types of problems even though I'm terrible at math. I hope to see regular updates! +followed

  6. :( I wish this blog was more accessible to me. I can talk music theory, but not math! This is a well designed blog, I'll be following for that one question I'll able to understand randomly.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I hate math but that is still interesting
