Saturday, April 23, 2011

AMC12A 2011 Problem #14

I've gotten several comments stating that the problems I've been doing have been too simple, and that they want more of a challenge. For this reason, I have decided to skip some of the simpler problems on the test, and move on to a more challenging section.
Another change I will be making, is I will now be posting the next day's question at the bottom of each post, for those of you who want to try and do the problems by yourself.

Suppose a and b are single-digit positive integers chosen independently and at random. What is the probability that the point (a,b) lies above the parabola y=ax^2-bx.

Good luck! and remember, calculators are not allowed.


  1. I'm really stumped with this one, I should really check again this subject.

  2. Ahhh, why can't i solve a simple problem like that! I am not in my best days!

  3. AHHHHH, I already had to take this once in school! 19/81

  4. haha, not today! :D

  5. Oh probability. I'm so glad I was able to finish up with it in High school so I didn't have to worry about it in college.

  6. I could probably do it except I want to get probability out of my life as much as possible. Hated it in High School.

  7. please excuse my head while it explodes
